Living with Loss

Abi and John May invite those who have experienced bereavement to gain the tools to help cope with the life changing loss of a loved one.
Abi and John May invite those who have experienced bereavement to gain the tools to help cope with the life changing loss of a loved one.
This retreat, led by John Rackley, will give us an opportunity to journey with biblical God Strugglers and in the prayerful surroundings of Launde consider of some of our own spiritual struggles.
You might want to be more resilient in the face of exhausting demands. You might be looking for a deeper foundation for your ministry. You might be wrestling with the question: how do I live a flourishing life? If so, this retreat is for you.
Meditate together on this ancient prayer, discover something of its history and spiritual value, learn about the use of prayer ropes, and - of course! - practice praying the Jesus Prayer together. Led by Chris Webb.
A retreat with Sister Rachel reflecting on what it might mean to allow ourselves space both to look towards God and to truly know that in the same moment, God looks upon us.
Abi and John May invite those who have experienced bereavement to gain the tools to help cope with the life changing loss of a loved one.
Explore with Roy Searle how the God of blessing created us to be channels of blessing to people and places, in every place where we are.
Meditate together on this ancient prayer, discover something of its history and spiritual value, learn about the use of prayer ropes, and - of course! - practice praying the Jesus Prayer together. Led by Chris Webb.
Immerse yourself in brief meditations on scripture, in simple prayer drawing in echoes of ancient chant, and in generous opportunities for silence and stillness. Led by Chris Webb.
Led by Claire Goode, this retreat will explore what it means for us to be ‘clay jars’ in the service of God. We will do these using prayers and poetry, together with creative stitching.