Fried, Frazzled and Fatigued? A Retreat for Church Leaders
A retreat for church leaders in a safe place to find renewal, relaxation and rest in the company of fellow travellers.
A retreat for church leaders in a safe place to find renewal, relaxation and rest in the company of fellow travellers.
A Quiet Day with Matt Long; an opportunity to take time to be still and listen deeply; an invitation to play with words and pray poetically.
Come and discover the art of spiritual writing, writing about our spiritual lives and writing from that deep reflective place inside each of us.
A Quiet Day with David and Rose Harknett; a chance to think about our bodies, in both their brokenness and beauty, as "very good... wonderfully made"!
An afternoon with the wonderful company oh harpist, Eleanor Harper.
This retreat will explore the shape of contemplative life by following the transformative story of the prophet Elijah. We'll reflect on the contemplative life journey and see whether or not that's paralleled in our own lives.
During this retreat we will pray with, and through, the I am statements of Jesus in John's gospel using a variety of ways of praying with the text, including lectio divina and imaginative contemplation.