Saturday Quiet Day: Beauty for Brokenness

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

A Quiet Day with David and Rose Harknett; a chance to think about our bodies, in both their brokenness and beauty, as "very good... wonderfully made"!


Curious Contemplative ***FULLY BOOKED ***

This retreat will explore the shape of contemplative life by following the transformative story of the prophet Elijah. We'll reflect on the contemplative life journey and see whether or not that's paralleled in our own lives.


The ‘I AM’ Sayings ***FULLY BOOKED***

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

During this retreat we will pray with, and through, the I am statements of Jesus in John's gospel using a variety of ways of praying with the text, including lectio divina and imaginative contemplation.


Icon Painting Retreat ***FULLY BOOKED***

Join experienced Iconographer, Peter Murphy for a week learning the medieval gilding and painting techniques to create stunning icon paintings


Quiet Day: ‘Also Made’

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

A Quiet Day with Emily Owen; this day will offer gentle time and space to be affirmed in who we are; we are not an afterthought. This Quiet Day will be interpreted in sign language by Emily's mother.


Still Before Christmas

Launde Abbey East Norton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Explore the themes of longing, waiting and hope in the stories of Scripture and in our own lives, using words, resources and quiet, and joining the Launde Community for Advent daily prayer.


Epiphany Retreat

In this darkest season of the year, Chris Webb leads this retreat reflecting on the Light revealed both in these stories and in our own stories, and exploring what God’s Spirit might be saying to each of us through them as 2023 begins.


Quiet Day: Extended Peace

A Quiet Day with Alan and Lesley Humphrey; experience the peace of God that can sustain you, alongside all His chosen ones, without loosing focus of the one who has brought hope into the world.


Living with Loss ***FULLY BOOKED***

Abi and John May invite those who have experienced bereavement to gain the tools to help cope with the life changing loss of a loved one.


I Am The Gate: Sewing Retreat ***FULLY BOOKED***

This retreat offers a time to ponder God’s love for us and for others and how we respond to that love. As we do this, there will be an opportunity to create a piece of sewing/patchwork/embroidery which reflects this.


Saturday Quiet Day: Praying and Planning the Year

This Quiet Day will be led by Alison Myers, the Warden of Launde Abbey. She will be gently inviting you to take time to pray about, and plan, elements of the year ahead.


Quiet Day: The Light of Life

This Quiet Day will be led by The Revd Chris Webb, Deputy Warden of Launde Abbey. Further details of this Quiet Day will be available shortly.


Come To Me

For those of us who are weary or disorientated because of the experiences of recent months, this retreat offers the opportunity to come home, to come back to God who in Christ invites us to make our home in him.
