Close Enough to Call
A retreat led by author and speaker Emily Owen exploring times in the Bible when God draws close to people and calls to them.
A retreat led by author and speaker Emily Owen exploring times in the Bible when God draws close to people and calls to them.
Libby Dobson and Sarah Chabowska invite you to take a journey of discovery into the spacious place of God's love.
A retreat for first time retreatants led Mirjam Ngoy-Verhage and Claire Goode. The aim of the weekend is to help you enter the world of silent retreats gently and with plenty of support.
Allow God's gift of creativity and play to bring you closer to Him.
Enjoy a week working in Launde Abbey's spectacular gardens and experience our hospitality and dining.
Creatively exploring and praying a journey through the Psalms using word, image, art, craft, music and the retreat house grounds and surrounds.
Ian Adams will open up ways to prepare ourselves for the possibilities of the Advent season, looking for the light within ourselves, in the world around us, and in the coming of the Christ-child.
Join experienced Iconographer Peter Murphy for a week learning the medieval gilding and painting techniques to create stunning icon paintings.
As our first Christmas since lockdown draws near we take the opportunity to gather together around the Bethlehem manger in a retreat led by the Warden of Launde Abbey.
In this darkest season of the year, we will reflect on the Light revealed both in these stories and in our stories, and explore what God’s Spirit might be saying to each of us through them as 2022 begins.
This retreat offers a time to ponder God’s love for us and for others and how we respond to that love. As we do this, there will be an opportunity to create a piece of sewing/patchwork/embroidery which reflects this.
For those of us who are weary or disorientated because of the experiences of recent months, this retreat offers the opportunity to come home, to come back to God who in Christ invites us to make our home in him.
This retreat will look at the treasures which have come down to us through the lives of the Celtic saints whose faith was shaped on the anvil of an era of major cultural change.
A retreat for first time retreatants led Alison Myers and Chris Webb. The aim of the weekend is to help you enter the world of silent retreats gently and with plenty of support.
As we set out on our pilgrimage through Lent, we will consider Jesus’ life through the image of ‘journey’, his obedience, compassion and suffering, culminating on the cross.