The ‘I Am’ Sayings

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The ‘I Am’ Sayings


Tuesday 9th December @ 4:00 pm Friday 12th December @ 2:00 pm

In Exodus, Yahweh gives Moses his name – I am who I am. This is picked up in John’s Gospel in what has come to be known as the seven ‘I am’ statements of Jesus …

  • I am the Bread of Life
  • I am the Light of the World
  • I am the Door
  • I am the Good Shepherd
  • I am the Resurrection and the Life
  • I am the Way and the Truth and the Life
  • I am the Vine

In this retreat, we will pray with and through the I am statements of Jesus in John’s gospel.  Using the textile art of Jane Allen we will engage with each of the I am statements of Jesus in turn. We will also pray with the narrative of the woman at the well using the artwork of Ally Barrett and the words of Jesus: I, the one speaking to you, I am He. There will be an invitation to use more traditional ways of praying with the text, including lectio divina and imaginative contemplation. There will also be the invitation to use various art and craft materials to pray with, in a way that enables us to connect with God through more creative approaches.

This retreat will be led by Chris and Rhona Knight.

Chris was a research scientist for many years until he changed direction after completing a PhD in Apologetics, working in the area of apologetics and teaching doctrine at Lincoln School of Theology. Now retired, he has more time to enjoy chess, bird watching and photography. He is married to Rhona and they have three grown sons.

Rhona is a member of the College of Chaplains at Launde Abbey. She is a theological educator, pastoral supervisor and spiritual director and is the author of a number of books and resources on discipleship and spirituality. She is currently researching trauma and moral injury in ministry.

Retreat price: £495 (standard room) £540 (character room)
EARLY BIRD RATE: £465 (standard room) or £510 (character room) if booked by 30th September 2025!
Price includes en-suite accommodation, all meals, and all retreat resources.
It may be possible for you to extend your stay with us by adding an extra night before or after this retreat. Please contact the Abbey directly if you would like to extend your stay.

Click below to book your place now on this retreat:

For any questions, or queries or if you’d like to know more, please call  01572 717254 or alternatively email us: 


Tuesday 9th December @ 4:00 pm
Friday 12th December @ 2:00 pm
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